MATE. is an electric bike company – based in Copenhagen and founded in 2016. MATE. has proven the ability to revolutionize the world market with the innovative and prestigious eBike. They have designed the sleekest, fastest, most versatile, and foldable eBike on the market. The company launched what would become the most successful European crowdfunding campaign ever. Today, thousands of riders have endorsed the MATE. movement and sells in Europe, US and Asia.

Luxury Lifestyle Product.

A high-end brand with the possibility to become an iconic lifestyle product. MATE. stands out as a high-end brand due to its collaborations with fashion brands. They have succeeded in developing a strong lifestyle brand with great attention from the press and on social media. The brand is today associated with innovation and modern sustainable mobility with style.

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Two manufacturers with a global presence produce the eBikes to serve demand in Asia, Europe and US. They have 25 distribution partners who deliver eBikes in all 80+ countries. With their flagship stores in Japan and the Netherlands, they expand their brand- and mission globally. Right now, eBike market is large and growing significantly. In Europe, 5,2m e-bikes were sold in 2020, which is +42% compared to 2019.


The biggest stars from Hollywood and Silicon Valley such as Kendall Jenner, Will Smith, Orlando Bloom, Jay Z and Corey Gamble are riding, promoting and investing in the brand. MATE. creates desirability by building a powerful brand and providing on-brand experiences at all touchpoints. The strong MATE. Community will enable the upselling potential of ancillary needs and services. Furthermore, MATE. has initiated collaborations with the leading players in luxury and high-end fashion regarding sustainability, constituting Moncler, Breitling, Palm Springs and CR Fashion Book. MATE. have achieved more than 3,5m visitors on the marketing campaign, hundreds of independent reviews, more than 70,000 e-mail subscribers and more than 15,000 active members in total across 25+ Facebook groups.


Our mission is to encourage a global community of riders to take on the world head-first and authentically express themselves. To tackle the challenges of today. Embrace the magic in the ordinary. Dream bigger. Because it’s more than a bike. It’s a movement.

We are happy and proud to be part of the ownership of MATE. and be an active participant in the further international expansion journey. MATE. is an exciting company with a fantastic brand, which we at Nordic Eye have followed closely and for a long time. With the extra infusion of capital and new forces in management, we see good opportunities for MATE. to unleash an obviously great potential on the global stage.