We Spot Add Exit

We Spot.

Every startup story is different.

Every early growth business is different and faces both technical and commercial challenges – we select unique cases with a clear scalable potential, and a strong fit to our capabilities.

We Add.

After we invest, we really get to work.

Our joint upstart experiences cover IT consulting, metadata, digital data, SaaS, big data, property, finance, extensive sales experience, change management, customer journey knowledge and more.

We Exit.

When the company has proven itself.

Our preferred point of entry is when the company has proven its product and market fit. And our preferred point of exit is when it has proven its scalability.
Our projects





Who we are.

We are a Danish Venture & Growth Capital firm based in Copenhagen. We come from the North, but we work in the world. We have representation in San Francisco & Zurich to put our money where our mouth is. We invest in carefully selected growth companies within the tech and lifestyle business sectors. We look for high revenue potentials and international scope. We are experienced. We are dedicated. We are focused. And we are honest.

Our team.

We are a team of high-performing, strong individuals who understand the power and possibilities of working together to create exceptional results. Our team brings diverse skills and experiences to the table, allowing us to approach problems from multiple angles and develop innovative solutions. We pride ourselves on our ability to collaborate and communicate effectively with each other, as well as with our portfolio companies and other stakeholders. Our commitment to supporting and empowering the entrepreneurs and startups with whom we work with is unwavering. We are constantly learning and staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and developments. 


Our investment focus is Lifestyle and Tech companies.

We are open to any lifestyle and tech idea with great market potential, and our view is this: if you are in a hot trend, good. But if you are in an emerging trend, better. And if you invented it, the best!


Our Responsibilities.

At Nordic Eye, we are committed to invest responsibly. We strongly believe the fact that following a sustainable business practice, will lead to value creation and long-term success. Nordic Eye is invested in combining the ESG policies with our business strategy.

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We are open for ideas.

If you have an investment proposal with strong market potential, we want to hear from you. We are particularly interested in hot and emerging trends, and we get especially excited when the idea is entirely yours. So, if you think you have an idea that could disrupt the market and generate significant returns, please get in touch with us.

Why choose us?

Our team boasts extensive experience, having founded and co-founded more than 30 startup companies. Furthermore, we have invested in and advised many others.


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